Pony's History

Pony's History


This dwarf species is native to Shetland Island, Northeast of Scotland. Found since the Bronze Age. It is expected that people living on the island have crossed the line. Between the native horses and the horses brought to the Vikings. And it is expected to be influenced by the Celtic horses of the settlers in 1000-2000 BC.

Development of Pony

Shetland pony has strong patience and strength. This part of the development of the species in a severe climate and rare food on Shetland Island. In 1890, The British Horse Breeders Association was established to maintain the purity and to improve the breed to high quality.


Currently, Shetland's pony was used in the show. Both children and adults learn how to ride. In festive occasions, it is used to send visitors in short distances, which are also used to induce physiotherapy for patients. In the state of Queensland Australia pony races for children aged 6-16 years. Winners will be awarded medals.

Exterior of pony

Shetland pony has a small head. The eyes are wide, the ears are short, the throat is short and the legs are shorter than the normal ones of the same size. It also has the long mane, long tail and thicker hair that help prevent to the cold air. Usually, this type of horse is between 28-46 inches.

The color of pony

Shetland pony has a variety of colors such as mostly black, gray, cream, brown, charcoal, burnt brown and other colors.

Characteristics of pony

Shetland pony is generally considered intelligent and friendly, though sometimes they also are described as stubborn or cunning. The differences of opinion often result from an individual pony's degree of proper training. 
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